Monday, 2 October 2017



Assalamualaikum and hye all :')


It was 12.00 am when I was writing this. 02/10/2017.
The main reason why I wrote this entry late at night is because... I dont know la.
Am facing a problem now. Problem yang melibatkan hati dan perasaan, juga janji dan duit. Yes, absolutely not about love. Come on, am tired of love. Just let time decide what's good for me when it comes to "LOVE".
My problem is complicated. I dont know how to tell people about this. It is just ... complicated! And now. Only one people can understand my problem and give me some advises. Yes. I really need it.
To be apperantly (betul ke eja macam tu?) , the problem is about business. Yup, business matter. And when it comes to business, I found it's hard. Because I just love business! I LOVE BUSINESS! And I dont want to resign from my unofficially job right now which is making money by doing business.
Entahlah. Sometimes, people think that they already made a good decision. But at the end of the day, they found out that, their decision is totally wrong. And, yes. Am the person. Person who made a wrong decision but think that it's good. At the first place. But now. My decision burden me so hard T_T
I dont know how to describe my feeling right now. Scare? Angry? Sad? Many feelings mix in a bowl. And when they became a mixture, it become more complicated.
I pray so harr to Allah, to help me to solve this problem. I never face this kind of problem before. Never! So, this is the first time. And, yes! I really need help from others because I just cant face it alone. I just cant!
Anyone, please, do pray for me to settle this problem ASAP. Am tired.

Ya Allah,
Kurniakanlah kesenangan hidup di dunia dan akhirat.
Kurniakanlah kemudahan bagiku untuk selesaikan masalah ni.
Kurniakanlah aku jawapan tepat dan padu untuk masalah aku.
Kurniakanlah aku bantuan dari pelbagai sudut untuk selesaikan masalah ni.
And last but not least,
Kurniakanlah aku kesenangan dan ketenangan dalam menyelesaikan masalah ni.

Take the positive thing and leave the negative thing behind.
Hem, maybe ni pengajaran untuk aku yang sentiasa alpa. Allah want to teach me something and He gave me this problem. So that I can learn a new thing through this problem.
Positive thinking.

Positive mind leads you to a positive life ;')


Sha Mohd


Thanks for reading this entry ^_^


Do pray for me 😉

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